Adriatic Marine strives for excellence while conducting business in a manner that protects and promotes the safety and health of our employees, those involved with our operations and the communities in which we work.
Adriatic Marine QHSE Vision
Adriatic Marine, LLC is committed to its core value of preserving environmental quality, while providing our employees with a safe and healthy workplace. Adriatic Marine’s resolute commitment to safety is advanced through policies which ensure that our business develops in a manner that complies with the most rigorous quality, health, safety and environmental regulations.
At Adriatic Marine, LLC the goal of zero incidents is at the forefront of our operations. Our ZERO INCIDENT mindset is reflected in every facet of our business. It is our obligation to do no harm to people, the environment, nor any property.
Our commitment to zero incident operations can be achieved by:
Full participation in all QHSE programs encouraged by our “Elite of the Fleet” safety awareness program
Commitment to continual improvements and advancement of our safety culture
Positive behavior reinforcement using Adriatic’s Behavior Based Safety System: Participating in Adriatic’s Commitment to Safety (PACS)
Compliance with government and client regulations
Proficiency and understanding of our QHSE policies, standards, programs and performance metrics
Vetted and Qualified subcontractors and vendors
Safeguarding employee competency for all assigned tasks
Our company’s preeminent responsibility is to ensure the safety and health of our employees and the protection of the environment. Our employees are the critical component for projecting the pro-active stance of our safety vision and establishing a safe and healthy working culture. Every employee is expected to actively participate in “Steering a Culture” while we strive for continual improvement in all facets of our business.

In an effort to ensure vitality of safety culture, Adriatic Marine has developed and utilizes the Elite of the Fleet Incentive Program. This is a quarterly competition among all active vessels in our fleet, whereby the crews compete to earn the title “Elite of the Fleet”! Each vessel is provided a detailed explanation of a point system which rewards Proactive Reporting. (SWA/Near Miss Reporting, BBS Participation, Hazard Hunts, USCG Inspections, OVID and other industry/customer audits, and accurate completion of ISM Compliant Company Paperwork) At the end of each quarter, the points are totaled to determine which vessel is indeed the Elite of the Adriatic Fleet. Since implementing the Elite of the Fleet program, we have seen a drastic increase of proactive behaviors and reporting and experienced a decrease in incidents.
Elite of the Fleet
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Group picture on ship

Group picture on ship

Steering Committee
Adriatic Marine management gives employees the chance to have a say in Adriatic Marine's direction. To make that happen, five mariners are selected by their peers via popular vote each year. The representatives are carefully selected to give the employees a collective voice and drive meaningful progress. The representatives not only have a say in the decision-making process, but they also act as an advocate for their colleagues. This way, employees are ensured that their opinion will be heard and taken into consideration.
Officer's Meeting
On an annual basis, Adriatic Marine holds a conference with office staff and vessel personnel. The meeting is centered around safety and operational topics allowing face to face interaction between management and vessel personnel. Senior Management attends all Officers Meeting’s and values all feedback provided. Adriatic Marine utilizes this meeting to build our safety culture, train on existing and new programs, and facilitate conversations between all levels of the company.
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Adriatic Marine Management developed the “Leaders In Safety” recognition form to aid in identifying all crew members who are truly Steering A Culture. This tool is completed by vessel crewmembers after witnessing a fellow Adriatic crew member going above and beyond in taking the proper proactive steps during a task. Examples of being a “Leader In Safety” could be, but not limited to the following: having the courage to stop a job, properly identifying a near miss, or correcting others for lack of or incorrect PPE. “Leaders In Safety” Program is completely vessel driven. This is the method for recognizing proper efforts by all job positions from deckhands to captains.
Leaders in Safety
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Participating in Adratic's Commitment to Safety
Adriatic Marine Behavior Based Safety System allows for constant training. The system reinforces positive behaviors and recognizes a job done safely, as well as identifying hazards and correcting at risk behaviors.
Observation and feedback goals:
Build a culture aboard each vessel of continuous, safe behaviors
Reinforce safe behaviors of others
Prevent the formation of bad habits by correcting co-workers each time an at-risk behavior is observed.
Discover the cause of at-risk behavior through two-way communication
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